The X-Team
Frank DH7FB and I - forming the X-Team - go on a 2 m DXpedition from time to time.
For latest news on our plans as well as information on our set-up or about past DXpeditions we have set up a dedicated X-Team Website.
EM5EME 2021

How To Make A Quick QSL
After a DXpedition or even a short holiday activity you will need some QSL card for those wanting a physical conifirmation of QSO. Having them printed could be rather costly due to the small number needed.
I always do it by drafting a QSL design with MS Powerpoint, saving the design as a JPG file - and have photo prints in postcard size being made. This costs some 0,15 € per card only.
Here you find a design which you can modify to your personal likes and dislikes:
qsl_mjdf2zc_2m_final.ppt [3.369 KB]